Prelim Task

As Opening Sequence

Saturday, 10 October 2009



We had to produce a short sequence which needed to include cut away shot nearly all the time. The point of this filming was to learn how to cut away and use it effectively. In total we had 6 shots it we finished very early I think we finished early because we knew what we were doing every member in are group. I think if we had more time we would have produced a better sequence as I think we could of though about the framing more. The skills I learned was technology as I worked with a zoom a lot for this sequence as we tried make it as interesting as possible for the audience by using zoom using long shots and close up shots. The problems had was noise of music near are filming location which really made are sequence not the best also we had people walking past as we was filming which wasted a lot of time but I think the noise was them main factor.

Mistakes we did in are sequence were one of the shots went wrong as me the camera man had to show to characters at once moving which was really difficult and didn’t come out the way we wanted to come out because I cut of the characters head and legs so we had to take it three times until we got it right.

The skills I needed for this task was creative skills to produce the storyboard and make are sequence more interesting rather have a boring sequence. The other important skill I needed was technology skills as therefore I was the camera man so I needed to know how to use the equipment properly. Teamwork was really important to have before undertaking this task as we had to work as a group before starting to film which was producing the storyboard. And after while filming we had to look at the framing as a group make sure we all agree and every member in the group know what is going on in the frame so we don’t make no mistakes. Time management was really important as we had a little time to produce this work however we had shooting schedule to help us with the timing. The most important skill we needed to have was organization skills as we needed to be very organized because we had little time to make any mistakes in order to finish are sequence.

The planning we had to do was to produce the storyboard as we produced the storyboard quickly as we had good skills working as a group and creative skills which made the planning easy and quick.

Overall I think we did well as we had a little time to produce this and we managed to finish it even before we had to. If ill do this task again I would look more at the framing. Also pick a location where there will be no noise and people walking by and use tracks to make the shot smooth and flowing.

1 comment:

  1. A good attempt at an evaluation Astijus. You have covered most of the areas set for homework. However, you tend to stray away for evaluating sometimes and begin to describe what happen. In future use point, example, explain to give you a more structures and concise answers. Make sure you proof read your work before posting it onto your blog, check your spelling and punctuation.
