Prelim Task

As Opening Sequence

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the
progression from it to the full product?

I learnt a lot from the preliminary task because it didn’t come out right and we didn’t have sound so therefore I knew that I am not going to make the same mistakes again.

Preliminary Brief: Film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character. A couple of lines of dialogue must then exchange between characters & match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule should be demonstrated.

Main Task: The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes (all video and audio material must be original, produced by candidates, with the
exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source).

The preliminary task was really simple and we knew what we were asked to include which were shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule, match on action. It was simple because it was short and clear. As it mainly focused on these rules and continuity and the editing was really quick too.
The main task was more difficult as we needed to have a specific genre and we needed to do a lot of research about the genre and films to do with that also we needed to use are creativity skills we gathered are idea of are film from the lyrics and then we developed the story from that. Therefore we had to include codes and conventions of the genre so it would be clear for the audience.

Preliminary Task:
As a group we came up with the idea of a guy getting run over by a car after we was happy with the idea we had to draw the storyboard. After we had to find the location we wanted to do in. Then we had to prepare shooting schedule so therefore the filming would go smoothly and we finish at the time we needed to. We also had to produce the script for the characters. The task helped us a lot for the main task because it had the same steps for pre-production as the main task. While we were thinking of the idea we didn’t have any problems we was happy with it and it was possible to produce in the school.

The preliminary task really prepared me for the main task knowing the steps I would need to take in order to produce are opening sequence.
The things I learned while producing the preliminary task were how to produce the storyboard and what information is needed such as length of the shot, also include an arrow if you character will move also the sound be used during the shot also to it to help us while filming to see what shots we need to take and how they need to be taken. I also learned what the shooting schedule is and how it works and helps which I used effectively to manage time as we had each of are shot timed, however we took longer than we though as we gave a little space for time slots such as five minutes each therefore in the main task we had 15min gap in order to take safety shots. The problems we had was that we couldn’t do some shots such as the panning shot because of the weather sun shining so therefore we had to come back later on the shooting day and we didn’t take that into consideration before the filming day so therefore we had to change ending also the biggest problem we had while filming is that we didn’t have sound we found this out when we were editing, however we learned that when it comes to the main task we check all the equipment and specially sound.
The other problem we had was the location we had the location but we didn’t book this should have been done in the pre-production as part of planning therefore it resulted taking two shots and then we had to find the new location which wasted a lot of time because we had to re-take the shots because it didn’t have the continuity, but again it helped us with the main task book it before the filming day and make sure it’s available on the day. Also we were short off time and therefore we ran over are schedule time for filming. If to do the preliminary task again I would definitely check the sound so we have it and also book the location so it saves time.

Main task:
The pre-production for the main task took a bit of time before we came up with the idea as we came up with the idea we had to change a louds of times to make sure it has the conventions of crime drama genre and because it shows progression. The decision with the idea were the location because we wanted to film in the house but we wasn’t able to do that therefore we had to change are idea which we did and it was possible to film where we chosen. With the pre-production I was clear of what steps we had to do before actually going to film. We produced three storyboards because we were not happy with some shots. After the storyboard we had produced the script; however we didn’t need to because we didn’t have any dialogue. We had to produce the treatment which had clear summary of are film including equilibrium, resolution and climax with the tagline and also the title of the film. We had to pitch are film once we did it just a practice and the second time we had to get it perfect. The thing I done in the main task which I haven’t in the preliminary task was the mood board; however it was simple. Another thing we had produce which was new to me was the photostoryboard which is the opening sequence in images. Also the location Recce was new to me because we didn’t produce it when we done the preliminary task. We had to do the shooting schedule which as really simple as we done for the preliminary task. Before the filming day we had to get together with are cast and explain how they should be dressed and what they will do on the day which saved us a lot of time. The key lessons that I learned in pre-production for the main task was the location Recce, photostoryboard, pitch, mood board which were part of research to gather the ideas and get the final idea. In the mood board I included pictures and text which relates to are film ideas for e.g. as we had drug dealing shot I included images of drugs.
In terms with the production chosen location for are opening sequence was outside therefore we couldn’t take some of the shots because of the sun being very bright in the shot and therefore it didn’t come the way we wanted so we had to come back later to re-take the shots. The problem we had was we had no continuity so therefore we had to change are opening sequence while editing because not just we didn’t have continuity we also broke the 180 degree rule so therefore we changed the order of are shots. We didn’t have any problems with the equipment but when we looked back at are shots the camera lens was dirty so we had to clean it and we come back to re-take the shots which again wasted time. We had some problem with cast as we filmed outside it was cold so they wanted to go so they went and when we looked back at are shots we realised that we needed them to re-take the shots. We had problems with the location because of the people walking past while we was filming so we had to wait until there was no people which really wasted time. With every shot we took we took it in different angles as we though it might not look good when it comes to post-production editing. The key lessons I learned was always keep the cast with you also take safety shots and check the location if there will be any distractions and if you would be able to film.
As the post-production every member edited so it was not difficult and also we all shared ideas and helped each other. We received a lot of feedback and telling us the changes we need to undertake such the pace of the shots and as they were too quick to read the information. As last shot didn’t come out right and we didn’t have the chance to re-take it we needed to use the editing techniques to try not to be very to spot the mistake. I learnt how to edit and use effects with the software while editing and how to create titles. The problems we had while editing was the sound when we imported the sound it didn’t work but later with teachers help we managed to make it work also every time we saved are work and then after when we opened it the shots were all mixed and not in right order and also the shots we faded didn’t have the fade. If I were to do the project again I would consider the location carefully and time when we should film.

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